It's just about whatever I want to talk about. It's a way to stay connected to others and "express" myself!

Have fun! Be wild, wacky, and even a litte tacky!Life should be your party!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Elfin Awesome!!

Watch this sweet video!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

my toooth!!!

Okay, yes that's a kind of a lame title but hey it's the truth!

Yesterday Natlaie (only one of the cooliest people on the planet) was over at my house because she had spent the night. We had been having loads of fun when we realized that I needed to do my SALT job at church and she needed to get home before then so I told my mom. Mom had been on the phone with my dad and he reminded her that I had a TOOTH EXTRACTION SURGERY at 2:30!!!!! Okay, seriously how come I didn't know about this. Oh come on, how was I supposed to know that I had anything on the calender when I didn't put it there!!! We all rushed into the car and attempted to put in the address of the dentist into the gps but it wasn't working. Finally we called the office and they gave us the proper address. By the time we finally found the darn place we were 20 minutes late but that's not the point... I had to have a tooth pulled and I didn't even know when it was! Fortunately my mouth was numb when they pulled out the tooth so I didn't feel a thing but I had to have gauze in my mouth to slow the bleeding for a while. Now I get to eat smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, and other soft foods until the opening is all healed up. I was worried that my mouth would hurt and be swollen a bunch but it's not so I know for sure I'll be able to pig out on turkey day!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Yeah for Halloween!

As you should already know yesterday was halloween which might I add is an unofficial holiday even though it is printed on most calendars. Technically no one really celebrates halloween they do participate in it. This year I was going to be Toph from Avatar: the last Airbender(... DUH! ) but I neglected to actualy make the costume so I wasn't going to go trick-or-treating this year *gasp*. Then Ate Kelsey said that I might be able to go with her and her friends. That still didn't solve the no costume problem but I decided to be a jedi again but this time I used a cape with my outfit. Unfortunately this year I didn't recieve as much candy as last year mostly because I didn't go to very many houses but i still had fun. The only down side to the night was that I forgot to finish making my parachute for my bottle rocket project in school and ended up staying up till midnight :( Well till next time... TTFN Ta Ta For Now!

Oh and by the way I love fresh warm chocolate chip peanut butter cookies!

Friday, October 26, 2007

How about them Fires

Wow, it is truly devastating to see how much damage can be done from fire. Fire is essential to our everyday lives but when miss-used it can create a catastrophe. Just in less than a week more than a thousand homes were destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people had to be evacuated. It just makes you think how much of our lives we are not in control of, God is. He can start or stop a fire in a matter of seconds and do so much more. His power is so great that not even an army of the strongest men could defeat a flick of his finger. We need to give God control of our lives and keep our faith in Him for anything is possible with God. No matter what God will always be by our side, even when it seems as if he's not.

Moms should get a kick out of this one!

This may not be true for every family household but the majority of what is said in this song is quite true for many families. Listen carefully to all of the lyrics and you'll here more than just one common everyday phrase that comes out of mother's mouths... at least in our society :).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's been six years!

It's amazing that it has already been six years since the September eleven attack and although I was only in second grade it is still something I remember clearly. The other night on September eleven I prayed for the people out there who are still hurting from this tragedy. My Humanities teacher asked us to do a good deed and write about it on MyGoodDeed. Even though it doesn't sound like much but I made an extra lunch so that I could give it to someone who doesn't have one. Who knows maybe I could be saving someone's life! :0 I encourage you all to do something for another person, not just who are hurting but also those who just need a little encouragement or smile in their day.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Beach Clean Up

Today I went with my entire class of 8th graders to the beach. We did some cummunity service and picked up trash. It is amazing and devistating how many cigarettes are everywhere. It's like people think the sand is some sort of giant ash tray.
Once we finished cleaning up , we played games like tug-o-war, the egg on the spoon game, and a sponge relay race. Eventually we had lunch and played in the water. Me and another girl made a pretty sweet castle type thing. It consisted of a strong outer wall, a moat, an inner wall covered in shells, and 3 rock sculptures in the middle. When we finished it I wrote out "The SEASHELL GARDEN" using small rocks. I was quite satisfied with our work and wish I could show you what it looks like :(. Oh how I love the beach!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I heart Maximum Ride!

Just last week I started reading the Maximum Ride series, which includes The Angel Experiment, Schools Out- Forever, and Saving the World and Other extreme sports. They are about the advwntures that Max and the Flock have as they Fly (that's right FLY) away from their worst enimies. Anyways I don't have much time but am hoping you'll all check out their website and Fang's Blog. Have Fun. Oh and By the way I started on Tuesday of last week and finished the third book yesterday and I can't wait for more!

Monday, July 30, 2007

The legend of the soon to be thirteen year old's slumber party

Although my birthday was a few weeks ago and my birthday party was even sooner than my birthday, I still believe that I have the right to tell you what happend on that fateful night...

It was 7 PM on a warm July night and the sun was just begining to fall. The snacks were set on the counter. The crafts ready to paint. Goodybags waiting to be opened. When the doorbell rang, it echoed throughout the house like the cry of a weeping infant. Just then the door was thrust open and screams were heard from one end of the house to the other. It was not screams of sorrow but shreeks and squeels of joy and laughter. From that moment on, the party... began. Girls one by one walked up the steps and into house, where each one gave a kind word of encouragement to the soon to be teenager. Soon after everyone had arrived, each girl made their way to the craft table to beginning creating what could become a picture frame master piece. When everyone had finished the girls began to prepare themselves for the photo shoot of the year, taking place outside on the upper level. With no time to spare, as soon as the pictures were taken the dancing took place, and not just any dancing... DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION UNIVERSE! Dance moves were being used in ways never imagined and laughter hung in the air for each girl took their best shot but sometimes missed. Once the dancing was complete the annual cake ritual began. The lights were dimmed, the candles were lit, and the chant began. Once the cake reached the soon to be thirteen year old, the chant came to a stop and the girl opened her mouth and attempted to blow out the candles but was not completly successful. She tryed again and succeeded. Cake was then served but not eaten till after the first bite from the soon to be teenager was completed. Once everyone had had their share, it was time for the gift openig ritual. Opening these gifts did not take long and was then followed by a Giant goofball game. To keep the fun rolling, the girls had a skittles relay race with spoons in their mouths. To slow down the party a traditional slumber party movie was watched, allowing the more tired guests to hit the hay. Although some of the girls had fallen asleep, the night was still young. A cirlce was formed in the darkness and the girls offered their stories and jokes. Once the laughter turned to yawns, the girls decided it was best to calll it a night and went to bed at around 2:20 AM. In the morning each girl gathered their belongings and ate a hearty brekfast of home made waffles, eggs, hashbrowns, fruit, and smoothies. As each gril left they also left behind memories to last a lifetime. To this day the only evidence of this event are the memories in each girl's heart...and the pictures taken that you see above.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

White Water Rafting is Totally Wicked!

I just came back from the most amazing summer camp ever... White Water! I went with my church for an entire week. we slept under the stars every night, had worship twice a day, and had an incredible time white water rafting. Most of what happened is unforgettable, especially on the first Monday we were there because it was my Birthday! It took us two days to drive up there and two days to drive back, so in reality we were only there for four days but I think it was totally worth the drive. For three of the days we went rafting, going on a different part of the river each day. Every day was an adventure with many untold surprises such as fire on the side of the river, or rain that makes your bones chill. On the last day before heading home, we went to Clear Creek which is a crystal clear creek that has a great clearing for swimming and jumping off of rocks. We were only aloud to jump off of designated rocks where the water was deep enough but that alone was pretty amazing. The first rock was about twelve feet above the water, the second rock was approximately twenty feet above the water, and the third rock was around thirty to thirty five feet above the water. Believe it or not I jumped off of all three of them and It was probably one of the greatest highlights of the trip. Another quite memorable experience from the trip is getting baptized at Clear Creek. My small group leader, Lisa baptized me and it was the perfect time too. Although I do not have the pictures of my trip posted, i hope they will be soon.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Hooray for summer vacation!!!
I am so excited about summer and all of the things that are going to happen and already have. This summer I am going to White Water (aka summer camp) and I can't wait! Plus this summer is going to be filled with family outings, late movie nights, TNL, and sleep-overs with the bestest of friends. Of course there is also the fourth of July, my mom's birthday, and my birthday too. Some of the fun has already happenened these past two weeks. My family and I just came back from our two week long road trip to North Dakota where we had a family reunion. I actually had a blast! (accept for the time my mom and I had food poisoning and had to drive twelve hours with upset stomachs:( ) So much happened that it would take forever to describe, so I'll just let you see for yourself.