It's just about whatever I want to talk about. It's a way to stay connected to others and "express" myself!

Have fun! Be wild, wacky, and even a litte tacky!Life should be your party!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

It's been six years!

It's amazing that it has already been six years since the September eleven attack and although I was only in second grade it is still something I remember clearly. The other night on September eleven I prayed for the people out there who are still hurting from this tragedy. My Humanities teacher asked us to do a good deed and write about it on MyGoodDeed. Even though it doesn't sound like much but I made an extra lunch so that I could give it to someone who doesn't have one. Who knows maybe I could be saving someone's life! :0 I encourage you all to do something for another person, not just who are hurting but also those who just need a little encouragement or smile in their day.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Beach Clean Up

Today I went with my entire class of 8th graders to the beach. We did some cummunity service and picked up trash. It is amazing and devistating how many cigarettes are everywhere. It's like people think the sand is some sort of giant ash tray.
Once we finished cleaning up , we played games like tug-o-war, the egg on the spoon game, and a sponge relay race. Eventually we had lunch and played in the water. Me and another girl made a pretty sweet castle type thing. It consisted of a strong outer wall, a moat, an inner wall covered in shells, and 3 rock sculptures in the middle. When we finished it I wrote out "The SEASHELL GARDEN" using small rocks. I was quite satisfied with our work and wish I could show you what it looks like :(. Oh how I love the beach!