So for a long time now nearly all of my friends have been begging me to read the Twilight series and frankly, I didn't want to. Everyone was reading those books and everyone was talking about how they were madly in love with Edward Cullen. I didn't want everyone to be asking me what part I was at and have them constantly comment on how they new exactly where I was and I was not going to get caught up in some gushy love story with a vampire in it. But if I am going to read a book I am going to read it by myself, not with commentary. After a while I finally gave in and I read it. I READ THE FIRST BOOK and I loved it. Although it was a love story, I couldn't put it down and finished it in about 48 hours, minus the time that I was actually working in class. Hopefully I'll have read the rest of the books soon!Oh and by the way I am NOT in love with Edward. First of all he is fictional. Second, he is already in love with someone else so why should I waste my time obsessing over him. And lastly, why would i fall in love with someone whom I have never even met and have only heard about through the eyes of another fictitious character?